Look everyone I am blogging!!! Don't faint of shock yes its me and I am updating my blog!!! Where do I begin???? For those of you who don't know I started massage therapy school in October and have been in school for just under 3 months. I absolutely positively LOVE IT!! It is tough stuff but everday I learn something new and find more and more that I love about massage therapy. The thing that was hardest was waiting for my dang table to arrive!! I had to wait 7 weeks for it to come and I was dying the whole time wanting to have it to practice outside of school. It finally came just over a week ago, and now I am officially in business. . . . .if anyone needs/wants one just let me know!! I need all the practice I can get!! I will have more stories about school later. . . . . .
My next thing is I get to talk to my brother in 11 DAYS!!!!! I cannot wait its been roughly 5 months since he left and I am dying to talk to him!! 2pm Christmas Day I will be unavaiable to the world until he hangs up. . . . so EXCITED!
I also have a new niece Tegan Noel, she is freaking adorable and one of the best babies. Thats what they tell me anyway. When i get the chance I ll put some pictures up of her and her brother Dillon. I just love playing with him when I go see them he is so full of energy its unbelieveable!!
Lets see what else?? Oh I am obsessed with Singstar! It s a kareoke type game for the playstation and I love it!! My roommate monica owns it and lately we have played it every sunday for hours upon end. Just singing our little hearts out and making fun of whoever is sick and trying to sing(last time that was me, and it was more because of my wheezing laugh that I get when I am sick. Apparently its hilarious) Anyway CHRISTMAS Is in 11 DAYS!! Now i just need to figure out what to get Klane for Christmas???
My next thing is I get to talk to my brother in 11 DAYS!!!!! I cannot wait its been roughly 5 months since he left and I am dying to talk to him!! 2pm Christmas Day I will be unavaiable to the world until he hangs up. . . . so EXCITED!
I also have a new niece Tegan Noel, she is freaking adorable and one of the best babies. Thats what they tell me anyway. When i get the chance I ll put some pictures up of her and her brother Dillon. I just love playing with him when I go see them he is so full of energy its unbelieveable!!